X DANTE – Welcome

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Life is often challenging but sometimes we discover that we’re not sure where to turn or how to handle it.  Those are the moments that we have a chance to reach out for help and connection.  Even though that reaching out can be a small act it has an incredible potential to change your life.  Therapy is a place to look honestly at the difficulties of life and to dream of a future we’d rather have and then, together, create a plan and work to bring that future into the present.

[sf_button colour=”transparent-dark” type=”standard” size=”large” link=”https://www.kevinacram.com/make-an-appointment/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=”buttonfullwidth”]GET STARTED TODAY[/sf_button]

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It’s important for you to have the chance to get to know more about me.  Click below to learn more about my education, training, and the way I work in therapy.

[sf_button colour=”transparent-light” type=”stroke-to-fill” size=”large” link=”https://www.kevinacram.com/about-me/” target=”_self” icon=”ss-record” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=”buttonfullwidth”]ABOUT ME[/sf_button]

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I am willing to work with any client and the unique set of reasons that brings that person to seek out therapy.  I work with children, adolescents and adults, as individuals or couples.  I enjoy working with clients who have cultures, perspectives, and faiths that are different than my own.  Even if we decide that we aren’t quite the right fit I would help to connect you to someone who is.


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I have experience working with anxiety, depression, shame, OCD, relational issues (familial or romantic), sexual addiction, identity formation, as well as spiritual issues.  For couples I offer both pre-marital counseling (with the option to use the Prepare + Enrich Assessment) or counseling for marital/relationship problems.


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Above all else I practice a relational approach to therapy.  I want to have a safe, warm, and collaborative space where we can work together to bring about the changes you hope to see.  I believe that our past and experiences with important people in our life influence the way we relate to others and our world.  Together I trust we can come to some insight and understanding and discover new ways to relate to ourselves and to others.


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It’s my hope to create a warm and safe environment in which you feel safe to share, explore, and grow.  In our first meeting will cover some of the practical and legal elements of beginning therapeutic work together.  Then we will take some time getting to know you and your current circumstances and experience.  Once we both feel like we have a good working picture of what is going on we can begin to create a plan and goals for how we want our work together to go.





You can either fill out the paperwork at home and bring it with you or arrive 15-20 minutes early and I will have blank copies waiting for you.  To fill out the paperwork at home click the button below and select the correct paperwork for you.  You can then download and print that PDF, fill it out, and bring it with you to our first meeting.  If you would prefer to have me provide you copies and to fill them out at the office please make sure to arrive early so you have time to read and fill them out thoroughly.


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Ages 18+


These are the documents needed for adults coming for individual or couples therapy.  COUPLES:  If you are coming in for couples counseling you will each need to bring in your own copy of the paperwork.

[sf_button colour=”transparent-dark” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”https://www.kevinacram.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Adult-Website-Forms.pdf” target=”_blank” icon=”” dropshadow=”no”]ADULT PAPERWORK (PDF)[/sf_button]




Ages 17 and under


These are the forms needed for a minor to begin therapy with me.  The minor’s legal guardian will need to fill them out and sign them.  Please give as much information as you can to best help me work with the client.

[sf_button colour=”transparent-dark” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”https://www.kevinacram.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Child-Website-Forms.pdf” target=”_blank” icon=”” dropshadow=”no”]MINOR PAPERWORK (PDF)[/sf_button]



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[dropcap3]I[/dropcap3] work in two different offices which makes me accessible to many areas in Orange County, California.


[sf_button colour=’transparent-dark’ type=’standard’ size=’standard’ link=’https://www.kevinacram.com/locations/’ target=’_self’ icon=” dropshadow=’no’ extraclass=’buttonfullwidth mt14′]OFFICE LOCATIONS & DIRECTIONS[/sf_button]

[/spb_text_block] [spb_gmaps address=”151 Kalmus Drive Building C, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626″ size=”190″ type=”ROADMAP” zoom=”11″ color=”#4790a1″ saturation=”color” fullscreen=”no” width=”1/3″ el_position=”last”] [blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [clients_featured title=”ASSOCIATIONS:” category=”featured” alt_background=”alt-two” el_class=”associations” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]