Videos TypeFile NameSize m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 1 991.1M m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 2 659.7k m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 3 990.2M m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 4 125.2M m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 5 400.6M m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 6 400.6M m4vAccelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Diana Fosha 7 464.3M m4vAdult Psychiatric Diagnosis Part 1 670M m4vAdult Psychiatric Diagnosis Part 2 660M m4vBen and Damien Observing Child Development 501.1M m4vCarl Rogers and the Person Centered Approach 594.4M m4vChild Centered Play Therapy A Clinical Session Gary Landreth 469.6M m4vDSM IV Clinical Vignettes 341.3M m4vEmotionally Focused Therapy In Action Disc 1 642.4M m4vEmotionally Focused Therapy In Action Disc 2 635.1M m4vEmotionally Focused Therapy with Sue Jonhson Disc 1 526.8M m4vEmotionally Focused Therapy with Sue Jonhson Disc 2 524.7M m4vEmotionally Focused Therapy with Sue Jonhson Disc 3 423.9M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Activity Log 364.4M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Agenda Setting 207.6M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Behavioral Experiments 362.7M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Continuum Work 508.8M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Cost Benefit Analysis 333.1M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Downward Arrow Technique 302.3M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Negative Assumptions 578.8M m4vEssential CBT Skills Series Negative Automatic Thoughts 322.3M m4vExistential Humanistic Psychotherapy In Action Disc 1 468.7M m4vExistential Humanistic Psychotherapy In Action Disc 2 590.7M m4vGottman How to Make Relationships Work 390M m4vHumanization of Technique Erving Polster 1.1G m4vIntegrating Mindfulness into Counseling & Psychotherapy 742.9M mp4Irvin Yalom Live Case Consultation 153.5M m4vLearning ACT 1 36.1M m4vLearning ACT 2 93.2M m4vLearning ACT 3 150.9M m4vLearning ACT 4 109.5M m4vLearning ACT 5 137.5M m4vLearning ACT 6 182.5M m4vLearning ACT 7 73.7M m4vLearning ACT 8 92.2M m4vLearning ACT 9 96.9M m4vMarsha M Linehan From Suffering To Freedom Practicing Reality Acceptance 134.3M m4vMindfulness Insight Media 388.4M m4vObject Relations Child Therapy 1.4G m4vObject Relations Therapy 532.4M m4vPrepare Enrich 01 81.2M m4vPrepare Enrich 02 26.2M m4vPrepare Enrich 03 14.3M m4vPrepare Enrich 04 76.9M m4vPrepare Enrich 05 29M m4vPrepare Enrich 06 27.8M m4vPrepare Enrich 07 41.3M m4vPrepare Enrich 08 46.7M m4vPrepare Enrich 09 21.3M m4vPrepare Enrich 10 40.4M m4vPrepare Enrich 11 46M m4vPrepare Enrich 12 39.3M m4vPrepare Enrich 13 1.7M m4vPrepare Enrich 14 72M m4vPrepare Enrich 15 65.9M m4vPrepare Enrich 16 22M m4vPrepare Enrich 17 36.2M m4vPrepare Enrich 18 43.2M m4vPrepare Enrich 19 26M m4vPrepare Enrich 20 17.4M m4vPrepare Enrich 21 57.7M m4vPrepare Enrich 22 43.3M m4vPrepare Enrich 23 34.8M m4vPrepare Enrich 24 1.7M m4vPrepare Enrich 25 58.5M m4vResolving Trauma in Psychotherapy A Somatic Approach Disc 1 426.9M m4vResolving Trauma in Psychotherapy A Somatic Approach Disc 2 487.2M mp4Self Acceptance Session 01-01 180.1M mp4Self Acceptance Session 01-02 181M mp4Self Acceptance Session 02-01 138.9M mp4Self Acceptance Session 02-02 187.9M mp4Self Acceptance Session 03-01 190.9M mp4Self Acceptance Session 03-02 205M mp4Self Acceptance Session 04-01 315.6M mp4Self Acceptance Session 04-02 674.8M mp4Self Acceptance Session 05-01 767.6M mp4Self Acceptance Session 05-02 648.1M mp4Self Acceptance Session 06-01 487M mp4Self Acceptance Session 06-02 703.6M mp4Self Acceptance Session 07-01 400.1M mp4Self Acceptance Session 07-02 349.7M mp4Self Acceptance Session 08-01 439.7M mp4Self Acceptance Session 08-02 438.7M mp4Self Acceptance Session 09-01 430.9M mp4Self Acceptance Session 09-02 410.1M mp4Self Acceptance Session 10-01 437.5M mp4Self Acceptance Session 10-02 460.6M mp4Self Acceptance Session 11-01 486.2M mp4Self Acceptance Session 11-02 481.6M mp4Self Acceptance Session 12-01 181.7M m4vSeries I Systems of Psychotherapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 1.1G m4vSeries I Systems of Psychotherapy Attachment Based Psychotherapy 587.4M m4vSeries I Systems of Psychotherapy Dialectical Behavior Therapy 531.4M m4vSeries I Systems of Psychotherapy Psychoanalytic Theory 1.8G m4vSeries I Systems of Psychotherapy Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy 523.9M m4vSeries I Systems of Psychotherapy Time Limited Dynamic Therapy 951.7M m4vSeries II Treating Adolescents with ADHD 891.4M m4vSeries II Working with Dreams 1.1G m4vSeries VIII CBT for Perfectionism Over Time Disc 1 472.2M m4vSeries VIII CBT for Perfectionism Over Time Disc 2 488.6M m4vSeries VIII CBT for Perfectionism Over Time Disc 3 450.5M m4vTGI Therapy Sessions Live 1 Assessments Love Maps 509.7M m4vTGI Therapy Sessions Live 2 DreamsWithinConflict AftermathOfAFight 332.7M m4vTGI Therapy Sessions Live 3 SoftenedStartup RitualsOfConnection 271.3M m4vTGI Therapy Sessions Live 4 CreatingSharedMeaning RapportIntervention 390.8M m4vTGI Therapy Sessions Live 5 StressReducingConversation SharedFeelings ExpressingVulnerability StatingNeeds 440.1M mp4The Attachment Summit 1 David Wallen Attachment, Relational Transformation, and the Psychology of the Therapist 149.3M mp4The Attachment Summit 2 Lisa Ferentz The Attachment Dance and The Therapeutic Relationship 146.7M mp4The Attachment Summit 3 Deany Laliotis Healing The Wounds of Attachment With EMDR Therapy 417.6M mp4The Attachment Summit 4 Stan Tatkin Attachment Related Trauma Relational Trauma versus PTSD 354.4M mp4The Attachment Summit 5 Linda Graham Secure Attachment, Resilience, and Post Traumatic Growth 619.6M m4vThe Johnson Gottman Summit Disc 1 393.2M m4vThe Johnson Gottman Summit Disc 2 594.2M m4vThe Johnson Gottman Summit Disc 3 750.5M m4vThe Johnson Gottman Summit Disc 4 533.4M m4vThe Johnson Gottman Summit Disc 5 603.8M m4vThe Johnson Gottman Summit Disc 6 661.9M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 0 Introduction 560.6M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 1 Introduction to Stress and Anxiety 751.6M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 2 Stress and Anxiety Continued 1.1G mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 3 Window of Tolerance 1.3G mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 4 Anxiety and the Defense Triangle 1.7G mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 5 Polyvagal Theory 1G mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 6 Progressive Muscle Relaxation 864M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 7 Letting Go 549.2M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 8 Grounding 544.8M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 9 Cognitive Distortions 1.8G mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 10 The Stories We Tell 725.4M mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 11 Lifestyle Insights 1.4G mp4The Liturgist Anxiety Course Chapter 12 Spirituality & Anxiety 2G m4vThree Approaches to Psychotherapy with a Female Client 2.4G m4vThree Approaches to Psychotherapy with a Male Client 2.2G